We are honored to share that Sunbird has ranked as the top DCIM solution in Data Centre magazine. Customer success is core to our culture, and we refine our features and build our roadmap based on feedback from our users. We’re delighted to see that our focus on solving real customer problems with second-generation DCIM software continues to receive high marks as we forge ahead to change the way data centers are being managed.
“Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) is undergoing a second wave of popularity at the moment,” Data Centre magazine reports. “Increasingly, IT solutions and building management are being integrated into a single, holistic function by innovative new platforms and software architectures.”
“Complete with weather tracking, 3D visualization technology, detailed power, capacity, and connectivity mapping, and a high level of customization when it comes to analytics, Sunbird’s DCIM suite delivers a thoroughly premium overview of both the physical and ICT elements of a data center,” the publication continues. “The solution is also relatively streamlined to deploy and use, free from bloat, and does more while costing less than many of its competitors.”
Want to see for yourself how Sunbird is dramatically simplifying data center management with elegant software? Test drive Sunbird’s DCIM today.