Data is more valuable today than ever, and modern data center managers are struggling to make the most of it in their data centers. A comprehensive Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solution can certainly make it fast and easy for you to collect data from the intelligent PDUs, sensors, and other devices in your data center. But what do you need to track in your data centers to gain actionable insights and maximize the value of your information?
Our President Herman Chan recently tackled this topic in an article published in Data Center Frontier, an online data center industry publication focused on cutting-edge innovation in design, efficiency and scalability. Titled “6 Dashboards for Managing Every Modern Data Center,” the article explores the current state of data in today’s data centers and shares top dashboards and their respective KPIs that, based on Sunbird’s experience, are critical to effective data center management.
The concept of dashboards for different objectives or teams addresses the key issue of information relevance to different groups of users.
“Having a focused dashboard with a few key metrics for each of your top objectives or organization-specific initiatives accelerates data analysis and reduces distractions by displaying only the key data that you need for that particular goal. Teams know to go to their dashboard for the latest information, and they know that everyone can see the same data, which boosts transparency and accountability,” said Chan in the article.
However, the usefulness of the data is still the determining factor for whether you are tracking the right metrics across different KPI categories and for the quality of the decisions you make based on that information.
“Once you’re able to make meaningful, cross-category connections among your data, you’ll ultimately be able to make smarter decisions about the management of your data centers,” said Chan.
Chan’s article was part of Data Center Frontier’s Voices of the Industry feature, which showcases guest articles on thought leadership by experienced data center executives on the front lines of innovation and market dynamics.
Want to learn more about the dashboards and KPIs you should be tracking in your data center? Read the article here and then request a demo of Sunbird’s DCIM software today.