Sunbird® dcTrack® Enhances User Experience and Security
January 18, 2021

New Release Adds Support for SAML 2.0, Drag-and-Drop Blade Changes, and More

SOMERSET, N.J., January 18, 2021 — Sunbird Software, the global innovator in second-generation Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software, today announced the general availability of its latest dcTrack®  release.

With Release 8.0, Sunbird has further optimized the user experience and security of dcTrack by adding support for the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 authentication process. SAML 2.0 support enables a single sign-on (SSO) experience, allowing users to use one set of credentials (password, two-factor authentication, etc.) to log into multiple tools such as dcTrack, ServiceNow, PagerDuty, Puppet, and Splunk. Since the user’s credentials never leave the identify provider server, such as Okta, there are fewer opportunities for identities to be breached or stolen.

Customer-Centric Licensing Options to Support Industry Trends

Sunbird enhances its very popular all-inclusive cabinet-based licensing model by now offering licensing options as small as a quarter-rack to accommodate new trends in infrastructure deployment models, such as edge computing and wall racks.

“We’re seeing greater deployments of edge, colocation, retail, and remote infrastructure,” said Herman Chan, President, Sunbird Software. “We have enhanced our licensing model to provide more granular options to support those types of deployments.”  

“Sunbird focuses on the DCIM offering’s ease of use, complete features, and simple licensing,” said Daniel Bizo, Principal Analyst, 451 Research – now a part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, in the report DCIM Vendor Sunbird Software Feeds on Electrical Data to Find Sweet Results for Datacenter Operators.

Software Platform Refresh

Release 8.0 also includes major infrastructure improvements to remain the most modern DCIM software platform on the market. Technology optimizations such as an operating system upgrade provide enhanced security, require less user maintenance, and support Sunbird’s model of ease of deployment which requires no additional licensing costs for SQL databases or other components.

Additional new features in dcTrack 8.0 include improved ease-of-use with the ability to move blades across multiple chassis via drag-and-drop and the ability to clone cabinets with internal power and data connections, enhanced automation with the ability to create, read, update, and delete power connections via RESTful APIs, and increased extensibility with the option to tag items for more meaningful reporting.

For more information on dcTrack 8.0, visit

About Sunbird Software
Sunbird is a leading global provider of DCIM software. Learn more at

Sunbird and dcTrack are registered trademarks of Sunbird Software. All other marks and names may be trademarks of their respective companies.

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